Oldest Countries in the World, The Oldest Have Existed 6,000 Years BC

2 min


Before there was a state, humans lived in groups. They protect each other from the dangers that threaten.

Around 6500 BC, humans began to stop living sedentary and began to settle. They formed an early civilization that developed until finally the progress of the times made humans form countries with various systems of government. Egyptian civilization is claimed to have existed since 6000 BC.

The calculation of the age of the oldest countries is based on the ancient civilizations that existed on the territory of that country.

Some countries, such as China, Japan, Iran, Greece, and Egypt were originally kingdoms. The countries of these ancient civilizations had a long history of their own before becoming the great countries they are today.

The United Nations recognizes 241 countries that have territories. However, only 195 countries are recognized and join the United Nations.

May all countries in the world live in peace without war.

1. Egypt (6000 BC)
Egyptian civilization is claimed to have existed since 6000 BC. At that time, groups of hunters settled in the Nile Valley. Egypt’s first dynasty was recorded in 3100 BC. At that time, Upper and Lower Egypt were united and ruled by King Menes. King Menes believes that the founder of Egypt was King Narmer who was a businessman.

2. India (3300 BC)
Mainland India is known to have been inhabited since 3300 BC. This period is known as the Vedic Period. The period of Vedic civilization became the starting point for the spread of the basic teachings of Hinduism as an aspect of religious and cultural life in India. India then began the arrival of other civilizations, such as Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism.

3. Afghanistan (3000 BC)
The Indus Valley Civilization is believed by archaeologists to be the first colony in Afghanistan as early as 3000 BC. One of the first cities in the world was founded in Afghanistan, namely Mundi Gak which is located in modern Kandahar.

4. China (2070 BC)
Civilization in China has existed since 2070 BC, when this country was still a kingdom. The first Chinese dynasty found in history was the Xia Dynasty, which ruled from 2070 BC-1600 BC. However, the history of China has been found from the era of the Shang Dynasty (1600-1046 BC).

5. Georgia (1500 BC)
The early rulers of Georgia were the legendary Kingdom of Colchis and the Kingdom of Karlti/Iberia. Both kingdoms were considered very important in the Eurasian bronze age, around 1500 BC.

6. Ethiopia (980 BC)
The first government of the country was formed around 980 BC. Meanwhile, the history of this country dates back to 10-5 BC since the ancient kingdom of D’Mt stood in the area that is currently in the north of the Ethiopian territory.

7. Greece (800 BC)
Greece has had a civilization since 800 BC. The Greeks gave birth to many artists, technocrats, politicians, and other important figures. The Greek civilization took place in the Archaic period.

8. Japan (660 BC)
Japan has been around since 660 BC. The first Japanese emperor, Emperor Jimmu, was called a direct descendant of the Sun Goddess, Amaterasu. Emperor Jimmu ruled Japan in the two early periods, the Kojiki and the Shoki.

9. Iran (550 BC)
Iran was formerly known as Persia and was founded around 550 BC. Cyrus the Great (Cyrus II) founded the first Persian empire, the Achaemenids, after conquering Babylon, Medes, and Lydia. However, the Achaemenid Empire only ruled until 330 BC after the conquest of Alexander the Great.

10. San Marino (310 AD)
This country was officially founded on September 3, 201 AD, when Saint Marinus built a church on Monte Titano. The church later developed in the city of San Marino.

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